Automatically Get Customer Feedback Through Our Phone API
​Customers are lifeblood of any great business, they are an essential part of keeping your company alive and the doors open. It is extremely important to make sure that the people you are serving are happy with their service and experience, but it can be a challenge to get a full understanding of their satisfaction through email alone. With the help of Byron’s Structured task system, we can automate the process of gathering customer feedback by having real assistants make phone calls on a predetermined basis to ask them predetermined questions and have this information integrated into thousands of tools and services your business uses on a daily basis. By following these simple steps, we can consistently gather this information on your behalf and have this data plug anywhere that you need it to go. Here is how you can get started integrating Byron into your workflow.
What Are Structured Tasks?
With Byron’s structured task feature, you can automate almost any type of busy work that requires a human. The feature is designed so that you build out an automated process once then can trigger Byron to do the work at any point in time. Watch the video on how it works.
Step 1: Setup Assistant Instructions
Please call at and ask them the following questions.
Please call John Smith at Netflix and ask them the following questions.
Step 2: Setup Response Fields You Want Back From Byron
Add fields and description on how you want your task completed. Below is an example of how you would set up the fields and instructions.
On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like our product?
What feature would you like us to build next?
Please ask the user, what would they change about us then write their response.
Step 3: Add Data/Tasks
There are two ways that you can send new data/tasks to your Structured Project. You can either upload a CSV file of your variables that you set in Step 1, or you can fire off tasks via Zapier. Below are some popular Zapier integrations that align with this blueprint example.
New active user found in Pipedrive, have Byron call them to ask them some questions.
New 60 customer reached in Hubspot have Byron call them to get feedback
New row added in Google Sheets send to Byron Phone Call API
Through Zapier, you can hook up over 1000+ integrations. Need help with setting things up? Chat with our specialist team to help you set up a custom integration.
Output From Byron
If you follow the template above Byron would provide a sample output like:
iOS Application
Overall John was happy with your product. He was very interested in the iOS app, but said he would still be a user without.