Utilizing a Virtual Assistant for Gift Research/Purchasing

Every year, there are many occasions that occur where you will need to find a gift for someone. From holidays to birthdays and everything in between, finding the right gift for the right person can be a challenge at times when you are limited to a price range and only a guess as to what a certain person may want as a perfect gift. With the help of Byron, we can assist you with this process by searching and performing research on finding the perfect gift for someone based upon your guidance. We can source a product, find the lowest price online, and purchase this gift for you if it is perfect for the occasion. We do this based upon your guidance and suggestions as to what you may think the person would enjoy so that the only thing you need to worry about is selecting the right gift from the options we present back to you. There are a few things you need to know before sending off a request for a Byron assistant to perform gift research so we will be covering this here.

Before sending off your request, it will be important going forward to establish a general price range you are comfortable with paying for your gift. This will help ensure that your assistant doesn’t look into items that are too expensive for what you are looking for. There are plenty of options for almost any type of gift that you would like to get for someone, so do not worry about setting a price range that is too low. Your assistant can find options that work for your budget and there is always the option of raising or lowering your budget if the options that your assistant provides are not to the par that you expected.

Occasion for Gift
Throughout the year, there are many different occasions where it is appropriate to get a gift for someone, so it is important to specify what purpose this gift is for. You wouldn’t get a Christmas card for someone on their birthday, so please be sure to specify what holiday or occasion the purpose of this gift is for. This will help to ensure that you are happy with the options that your assistant provides back to you after you send off your request.

Helpful Resources
Every person is unique and has their own preferences and ideas about what makes a perfect gift, so providing as much insight about who will be receiving this gift will go a long way when your assistant tries and find the best gift possible. Providing insight such as what this person likes, what their general age is, and any hobbies or activities they participate in will help to narrow down the search for what would make the perfect gift. Any type of information along these lines will help ensure the best possible results going forward.

Purchasing Gifts
Once you send off your request and your assistant provides you with what they have found during their search, you can choose to have your assistant handle the process of ordering this item for you so that you do not need to worry about doing this part of the process yourself. If you have a card on file with Byron, it is as simple as requesting that your assistant makes this purchase and confirm where you would like this item shipped. If you do not have a card on file, your assistant will provide you with an authorization form to fill out so that we can make this purchase on your behalf. This is an optional step that you do not need to worry about with your request, but it is available to you if you choose to utilize our services further.

Getting Started With Byron
Finding the right gift for someone can be a challenging and time consuming process. You may not be able to find the time during your busy day to spend researching and looking into the possible gifts that you could give someone for an occasion, but thankfully with the help of Byron we can help you out with this process. We can perform the research and send back to you a variety of options for you to choose from, as well as making the purchase on your behalf. We can assist with any type of gift research that you need to get done, so do not hesitate to reach out to us about what you specifically need.
How to get started...
Create a Byron account
Create a short-term project
An assistant is placed within minutes