Utilizing a Virtual Assistant to Compile Statistics

Information is a valuable resource that all companies need to gather and take advantage of in order to succeed in the modern marketplace. Having statistics and compiled data can make the process of determining the possible success in a given area of the market much easier. Luckily there are plenty of organisations out there who go through the effort of creating and tracking almost any section of the economy so you do not have to do the legwork yourself. The challenge is finding this information and assembling it all into a document that you and your team can use and analyze. With the assistance of Byron, we can find all the reports, statistics, and information that you need and compile a statistics document for whatever industry you need to study. There are a few things you will need to do in order to get started working on having a Byron assistant compile these statistics for you.

Deciding Topic
When you first get started, you will need to choose an area for your assistant to focus on when searching for statistics. There are an endless amount of documentation and study on all aspects of the economy, so you will need to be specific when you make your request. Areas such as industry sales towards other industries, in-store purchases of specific classifications of products, and online sales of products are all examples of the types of topics that you should keep in mind when requesting for an assistant to do research.

Focus of Research
For any topic that you choose in your request, you will also want to specify what exact type of information you want your assistant to try and find when performing their research for their report. Many organisations will perform extremely specific research depending on the area of research, so making sure that your assistant doesn’t compile irrelevant statistics on an industry is important for your satisfaction with their results. If it is possible, providing an example of the type of information you would like them to find will be extremely helpful for the entirety of the project.

Format of Report
After you narrow down the type of research and statistics you want gathered, you will need to provide instructions on how you would like this report to be formatted when returned back to you. Your assistant can provide back the information they gather in any format that works for you, whether it’s just compiling the links to online resources where these statistics can be found, downloading the reports in a format such as a word document or .pdf file, or taking the important information you are after and putting it all into a singular report. Whatever format works best for you, it is important that you specify this up front so that there is no confusion later down the road. Providing an example or template of how you would like these statistics provided back to you will be incredibly valuable if you can source a proper one, as having a guideline will help speed up the process greatly

Getting Started With Byron
Statistics can be critical for your business when planning for how you plan for the future. Having detailed information on how money or attention is focused in a given industry can greatly help you form a successful business plan. With the assistance of Byron, we can make this process of gathering all this information as simple as sending an email. We can assist any business with gathering the necessary statistics they are looking for and create reports based on that information, so do not hesitate to reach out to us about what information you need gathered.
How to get started...
Create a Byron account
Create a short-term project
An assistant is placed within minutes