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Utilizing a Virtual Assistant to Create Press Releases



Making announcements and letting the world know about something new or exciting that is happening within your company is a common and necessary thing to do when running a business. The best way to spread the word about a new product you are launching or making people aware of an expansion or opening of a new office is to create a press release to publish on your blog/website and to send to relevant individuals who may be interested to hear the news. Creating these press releases can be a difficult and time consuming process however, as putting this news into a well written and clean format is a challenge. With the help of Byron, we can help you create the perfect newsletter for any purpose you need so that you or a coworker doesn’t have to take time out of their day to write it and put it together. We will be going over some simple steps you need to follow in order to have a Byron assistant help you out with this task.


Establishing Goal/Purpose

When creating a newsletter, there needs to be a direct purpose for its creation. Before you start gathering together your materials and thoughts to send off in a request, you will need to establish a clear purpose for this newsletter so that your assistant knows why they are putting this together. Whether you would like this press release to be about a new office space opening up across town or you are announcing a game changing product into the market, establishing this goal and clearly explaining this goal for your assistant is very important to guarantee the best results from the process. Having your assistant on the same page as you about the goal of this press release is very important so make sure you clearly outline this in your request.


Setting Tone

Every press release should have some sort of feeling or emotional tone that is incorporated into the words of the announcement. If you are announcing the retirement of a company president or giving a statement on an issue that is happening around the company, you wouldn’t want this type of release to sound exciting or joyful, so establishing what type of tone you want to give off with this press release is very important to avoid any miscommunication or misinterpretation that people reading it may feel if it is worded incorrectly. Clearly laying out how you want people to feel when reading this press release is extremely important to guarantee the best results from your final product.


Providing Example/Template

Writing out a basic template or finding one online is the best way that your final result matches up with what your expectations are in a press release. There are many different ways to write a press release depending on the circumstances around why this press release is being created, so creating a basic outline on how you want it start, what you want contained within it, and how it should end is a great way to give your assistant an idea on how to form this press release. You can also take a previous press release that you or your company has sent out and have your assistant use that as a guideline for how you would like the press release to be written. There are a wide variety of different ways for you to guide your assistant to write a perfect press release, so however you choose to go about it; including an example or template is very important and we highly encourage that you do this before sending your request.


Providing Resources

In a press release, it is very common to include photos or links throughout the document in order to further convey what you are trying to announce. In your request, please be sure to include any/all materials that you would want included somewhere in the press release, whether it is just a simple photo or various photos and links that is necessary. Depending on the circumstance, if materials should be presented in a particular order please be sure to specify how you would like them to appear in the press release.


Review Final Product

Once you have sent off your request and your assistant creates the press release and sends it back to you, please be sure to review their work and make sure it meets your specifications. Since press releases are often sent out at very specific times, the best time to send it back for further work is as soon as you get it sent to you. If any further edits or revisions need to be done, please be sure to specify and instruct your assistant what needs to be changed or added. We want you to be happy with your results, so we highly encourage you to do this before concluding your request.


Getting Started With Byron

Press releases are an extremely critical part of making an announcement as it will be the first time the public will most likely hear what you are declaring to the world. With the help of Byron, we can streamline the process of creating these press releases so that you do not need to worry about allocating time in your busy day to do this yourself. We can write any type of press release that you need for your business, so do not hesitate to reach out to us about what your specific needs are so that we can help.

How to get started...


Create a Byron account


Create a short-term project


An assistant is placed within minutes


Your assistant gets to work

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